Sunday, March 20, 2011

CG the BB. An Introduction.

The Brooklyn BB herself.
Me being weird in my weird only-leaving-the-apartment-at-2 AM-to take-pictures-of-the-moon-outfit. Yes, Cargo pants and pigtail braids, Sue me. Weirdy beardy! The following are evidence to support Claim A: CG the BB is One Strange Cat.










1. Current Project/Obsession. Trompe L'oeil leaves, approximately 400 of them. Making 20 just didn't seem right. Planning on using oxides to create... actually I'm not going to ruin the surprise. Will post a picture of the final product.
2. Favorite new hobby. Making muffins, blueberry to be exact. Second batch this week. Proving to be a little rougher on the stomach than one would imagine but I guess one would assume that the blueberry muffin consumer would be supplementing given muffins with other food groups. Consider this assumption far from the truth.
3. Ingredients to the Lord's most prized muffins. Seriously. 50% Butter, 50% Sugar.
4. 2/3 of the Greenpoint babshkas. My lovely room mate Elise and I. We're in a hurry to be cool and since I am now insisting on documenting E wasn't exactly chipper, per usual we were running about an hour and a half late, per usual all my fault. Timeliness isn't high on a BB's list of priorities. She'll prove to be a contributer the the weird.
5. Tatoe. I've gotta get a trademark for that. My new prison tattoo, told Casey about said tatoe, he then touched my hot-from-boots foot and it made me feel funny inside. Also, sorry Mom. She is not going to be happy about this. It's the sun and the moon.
6. The un-pictured babshka, sweet angel Laura, makes me food when we get back from the bar. It's usually some kind of pizza creation. This is pizza toast. Only, I always forget to eat the pizza-food and then it sits in my room for the duration of the hangover.
7. Previous Project/Obsession. Still not really over the mushroom thing. Guess I'll have to make 387 more and then maybe I'll get it out of my system. They're so cute. They're my little friends.
8. Toldja she's also a weirdo. E tending to her winter coat.
9. Said moon. It's not an ordinary moon it's a fucking Super Moon.

Nice to meetya!

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